In a national data map it is revealed that the average gain in EQUITY in Colorado is $18,000.
To be clear, that is in equity, meaning you have profit/cash in your home of an additional $18,000 since January 2024.
This is good news to homeowners because that is cash that you will receive if you sell or you can also use the equity in your home for many other things like to help with payments due to increasing costs of insurance and homeowner expenses, make a big purchase, payoff debt, etc. You can access the cash built up in your home in many ways. If you’re interested in how just contact me and I can send you the necessary information.
To be clear, the increase of $18,000 equity gain is a state average. You could have more or less depending on the home. If you’re curious about your Colorado Springs area homes value and equity, I can send you a report giving you your homes current value.
It’s a great time to be a homeowner!
Let me know if you have any Real Estate questions or if I can help with anything!
I wish you a very nice day